I'm a very spiritual person. Not to be confused with a Religious one, however. The differences between the two are a vast chasm that many cannot see. Now, occasionally, you will find one who is BOTH spiritual and religious, but the combination is rare.
The differences are crystal clear to my mind's eye. Spirituality can be discussed amongst differing schools of thought without hostility or anger. Religion almost NEVER can be.
One of the last conversations with my ex engendered the question from him: "What exactly do you believe?" It was a question that, if asked a decade prior to this, might have saved our marriage, but, true to our form back then, we simply didn't bring up stuff that would cause fissions through our relationship. Maintaining the status quo was far more important than being honest with each other.
Wow. That was harsh. But accurate. Yet another lesson learned in the process of journaling....and a mistake I won't make in future associations.
Soooo - the question....what exactly DO I believe? I couldn't tell him then, and I'm having a hard time putting it into words even now, with an additional 9 months of review behind me and that particular question. It's complex. Spirituality should be complex, though. A person's faith should be a conglomeration of the sum of their life's experiences - because that which we call Divine touches each individual in unique ways.
I'd have an easier time writing my memoirs than to try to 'list out' my personal belief systems...
But, for the highlights, I'll try. I do have to say, though, that I'm not a 'list' person for matters of faith and spirituality. It's really the only time that words fail me - there aren't words for the bulk of this...only concepts and feelings.
I believe in the ideal of recycling. That a soul/spirit/essence of a person must go through multiple lives to attain true awakening.
I believe that the mistakes of our past lives are manifest as learning-lessons in the present.
I believe that we are given far more clues to the nature of the universe than we are aware of.
I believe that there are people out there who are gifted with paranormal abilities, in ranging strengths...and the strength of that gift grows with the age of the essence.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
I believe that the Fates are active, and many ignore them - which is a REALLY bad idea.
I believe in the touch of the muse, and that she will touch you when you have reached the right point to accept her gift.
I believe in BALANCE in all things.
I believe that the elements are key to that balance, that fire, water, earth, and air exist in all of us, and balancing that will result in satori.
I believe that each element manifests itself in varying degrees in an individual.
I believe that learning to quiet your mind to listen - REALLY LISTEN - to nature is far more important that learning rote prayers or rituals.
I believe I'll have a drink (just checking to see if you're listening :D)
I believe that the rote religions, however, do have their place in this world for those who are not as far along in their spiritual development....but the role of the church has been skewed by the human need to control and dominate their fellow man.
You will note, that not anywhere in my beliefs is there a sense or a description of beginning. This is where Religion and Spirituality differ the most. Religion is concerned with creation, an origin story, an answer to the eternal question of: "why are we here?"
Truth be told, it doesn't matter. We are. Right here, and right now. We are. We exist. We live, we breathe, we make waves through the ether. It's the journey we're on that's important, NOT the road already traveled, not the destination. It's the journey that's fundamental.
NZ researchers suggest 10-year end game for smoking
Ok, so this is a little research study done in New Zealand, but its intent
and its message is very ...
14 years ago
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